Invariably popular night latches, sometimes referred to as “Yale locks” or “Rim locks” are surface-mounted locks that are not morticed into the door. They come in different sizes and designs. But how to know which night latch is approved by insurance agencies? ERA...
Do you have issues with uPVC doors or uPVC windows in Crystal Palace, Beckenham or Bromley? Professional local locksmiths will be glad to assist you in any uPVC problems you might face. Jammed uPVC door lock A good door lock should keep out burglars, not the property...
We have all been there. We hire a trader from the local directory, they come round and offer an estimate. It sounds good and we hire. They usually brow beat you into telling you the work needs doing. The job is well worth the money you are going to pay.Upon...
In 1964, 28-year-old Kitty Genovese was stabbed outside the apartment building across the street from where she lived. According to the media, 38 witnesses saw or heard the attack. None of them came to her aid or called the Police. This caused a chain of reaction. And...
Would you like to see and speak to your home visitors from anywhere and at anytime? Or maybe you need to upgrade your home security by installing a camera? With Ring products it is possible. Also, using it can be helpful for your home safety. Security cameras If you...