While applying for your home insurance, having industry-approved locks in most cases is going to give you a discount on the normal premiums. The more secure your locks, the cheaper your premiums, because a well-protected property equals a lesser risk for the insurer.
A BS 3621 British Standard Institute lock fitted to all of your external doors and window locks is definitely a plus as it comes to getting a good deal on your insurance. Also, and perhaps most importantly, investing in security is going to give you peace of mind.
Approved locks
Front door locks that insurance companies approve of usually belong to three main types of popular door locks and one kind of window lock:
- The five lever mortice deadlock fitted to all outside doors and ground floor windows.
- Key operated multi point locking system – usually found on uPVC doors .
- Rim automatic deadlock or night latch – these locks are mounted onto the front door, rather than morticed into the wall. It makes them a little bit less safe. Therefore, they preferably should be used in conjunction with one of the above mentioned locks as an extra measure, rather than a standalone solution.
- Key operated window locks – all ground floor windows should have key operated window locks installed on the handle.
If you invest in these kinds of locks and make sure that they conform to BS3621 standard and bear the Kite Mark. Than you are likely to pay less for your insurance. Not to mention that your property is going to be as safe as it could be. Depending on the type of property, you might want to invest in additional security measures or in smart home security systems. If you are not sure what kind of locks are right for your property, contact a trusted local locksmith.
Are you searching for a security advice in Bromley, Beckenham or Crystal Palace?
Contact WG Locksmiths to find out how to upgrade your security.