While applying for your home insurance, having industry-approved locks in most cases is going to give you a discount on the normal premiums. The more secure your locks, the cheaper your premiums, because a well-protected property equals a lesser risk for the insurer....
Most of us have an Euro Cylinder lock fitted to our external doors. However, not all euro cylinders are burglar resistant and approved by the Police and insurance companies. BS 3621 is a well-known lock standard established by British Standards Institute (BSI) for...
Moving house can be a daunting time with many important issues and tasks to do. In the final week before you move, you should check the security of your property. Safety and security are paramount and both the old and new homes need steps to be addressed in terms of...
Protect your keys! We offer KEYRING to your Ultion locks: Ultion Keyring The ultimate add-on for your Ultion keys. Find your keys using your phone ..and your phone using your keys! Powered by Bluetooth technology Works with Amazon Echo See KeyRing in action: Keycap...