While applying for your home insurance, having industry-approved locks in most cases is going to give you a discount on the normal premiums. The more secure your locks, the cheaper your premiums, because a well-protected property equals a lesser risk for the insurer....
In 1964, 28-year-old Kitty Genovese was stabbed outside the apartment building across the street from where she lived. According to the media, 38 witnesses saw or heard the attack. None of them came to her aid or called the Police. This caused a chain of reaction. And...
Yale Do you need to protect your home in a smarter way? Yale offers range of products to upgrade your property security. From traditional locks and security systems to smart locks and camera systems. Everything for you to feel safe in your own flat in Beckenham or...
Smart technology is popping up in every field of our life. Our phones went smart over a decade ago. The smart car and smart meter are all part and parcel of a daily life now. In home security systems we have the smart locking system to keep our homes safe and secure....